DryBuddyEZ Best-Selling Bed-Wetting Alarm on eBay in last 30 days!
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Here is a genuine Amazon Review by a customer who uses her REAL NAME to stand behind her review.

Nicole J. Zook (New Jersey) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: DryBuddyEZ Bed Wetting (Enuresis) Alarm (Sound & Vibration) to Cure Bedwetting.
My daughter is 11 and still struggling with bedwetting, and after just a few nights with DryBuddyEZ, she is waking up on her own and doing so well!!! We are thrilled with the product and it is working perfect! And the PRICE is sooooooo much better than the leading brands! Same thing, but way less money!! Who wouldn't want that!? Thank you.