Monday, September 1, 2014

Gross Improprieties by Chummie on Amazon Reviews revealed

We came across this very interesting blog which analyses Chummie's reviews on Amazon after August 1, 2014. You can read it at

The author(s) do a significant analysis of Chummie's reviews on Amazon. And guess what? Most of them are completely fake and fraudulent! As you may imagine, that is how Chummie pumps up its Amazon sales.

Deceit Catcher on has been saying this sort of  thing for a long time.

We wonder if Amazon will do anything about it?

That is why we think that looking at sales on eBay is a much better indicator that looking at reviews on Amazon. The eBay sales numbers are honest and exactly stated. While Amazon is full of hanky-panky.

DryBuddyEZ continues to be the best and fastest selling bedwetting alarm on eBay.

Thank you for your support.